
Book Donation Challenge

For fun and a good cause:
First Book is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to give children from low-income families the opportunity to read and own their first new books. They partenered with cereal-brand Cheerios and actor/author John Lithgow in a book donation challenge. Cheerios will be distributing 100,000 children’s books by John Lithgow to programs serving children in need across the country.

Visitors can “help decide where the books will be donated by answering trivia questions [...] from now through Sunday, June 15, 2008. Every correct answer counts as one vote [...] Cheerios will donate 20,000 children’s books to programs in each of the 5 states that receive the most votes. Cheerios’ nonprofit partner First Book will be identifying programs that will receive the books in each state where the books will be donated.”

As of today, Florida is in the 13th position.

John Lithgow has written 7 children’s books, including Marsupial Sue, Micawber, I’m a Manatee and The Remarkable Farkle McBride.

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