
New interface for Lexis Nexis

Searching for Lexis Nexis in MetaLib (our helpful list of electronic databases), you will now find a Beta version of a new interface for this great resource for newspapers, industry and market news, legal news and research, company financial information,accounting, auditing and tax information, law reviews and case law. The full new interface will be officially released in December 2009.

The most dramatic changes are in the color scheme, the navigation menu, and the Easy Search form, which will more readily show the variety of sources and searches possible.

As of now, the Beta interface is not available off-campus. The old interface is still available, wether on- or off-campus. That’s why, in MetaLib, you will see two different listings for Lexis Nexis:

  • LexisNexis Academic (On and Off Campus Access)
  • LexisNexis Academic (BETA-On Campus Access only)

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