Textbooks will start being shipped from the USF Tampa bookstore next Tuesday or Wednesday, May 5th or 6th.
More details to follow.
Textbooks will start being shipped from the USF Tampa bookstore next Tuesday or Wednesday, May 5th or 6th. More details to follow. The Library (and Open Use Lab) will be open the following hours during the Semester Break: Saturday, May 2 We are closed on Sundays. Regular opening hours will resume Monday, May 11 at 8:00 AM. Here is an useful compilation of tips and tools to research the Deep Web from the Online College Blog. What is the Deep Web (or Invisible Web)? It’s the Internet content that typically will not appear after a Google or Yahoo search. This content is harder to access for various reasons: it’s dynamically generated, it [...] Graduating this May and afraid you might miss being in class and following lectures? Give a look at Academic Earth, a new website giving access to hundreds of video lectures and courses by faculty from some of the top universities in the US. Academic Earth is an organization founded with the goal of giving [...] The USF Bookstore will come to campus on the following dates for the textbook buyback Wednesday, May 6th – 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM Location: LTB 1120 Check out the brand new World Digital Library – 10,000 yrs worth of significant primary documents online, from around the world. The World Digital Library (WDL) makes available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from countries and cultures around the world. The principal objectives of the WDL are [...] As we are well implanted in the Web 2.0 era, there are now different ways of enjoying news and content from the USF Poly Library: a version of this blog for mobile devices (smart phones and the like) is now available: http://www.google.com/reader/m/view/feed/http://catherin.blog.usf.edu/wp-rss2.php There is something new in your inbox! The Library has been working for a long time trying to get both loan and return receipts to be sent by email to our users. We had the loan receipts working first, and now the return receipts are functioning. The system will also send out courtesy notices [...] This week, from April 12 to the 18, is National Library Week. It has a great theme this year: “Worlds Connect@your library”. Please come make a connection at the USF Poly Library! Note: Tuesday April 14, is National Library Workers Day. While you are enjoying catalogs, databases, books or a full-text article from a library, please [...] Due to essential site maintenance, access will be temporarily unavailable for Wiley InterScience on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 for approximately one hour, starting at 4:00 AM. |
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