
New resources at the USFP Library

Here are the items newly arrived at the USF Polytechnic Library during the month of November.

As always, new circulating books are found in the “New books” stacks in the Group Study area and can be checked out; the new reference are immediately being shelved in their respective stacks.

Our best wishes to you for the [...]

New resource: Credo Reference

Announcing Credo Reference as a new a multidisciplinary collection of online reference resources. Funded by USF Sarasota/Manatee, the content in Credo is selected by USF librarians.

Credo Reference provides access to one hundred reference resources, such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, and biographical sources chosen to meet a broad range of research needs. Metasearching allows the user [...]

New resources at the USFP Library

Our apologies! Here are the items newly arrived at the USF Polytechnic Library during the month of September and October. Yes, we inadvertently skipped a month in the flurry of activity in the Library. So this list will combine items receive during both.

As always, new circulating books and children’s books are found in the [...]

New magazines: Scientific American and Psychology Today

Wanting a quick way to know what is going on in scientific fields, or simply having a few minutes to kill and looking for a quick, informative read? The USF Poly Library is now receiving two popular scientific magazines: Psychology Todayand Scientific American.

They can be found with the other print journals and periodicals at [...]

New resources at the USFP Library

Here are the items newly arrived at the USF Polytechnic Library during the month of August. As always, new circulating books and children’s books are found in the “New books” stacks in the Group Study area and can be checked out; the new reference and DVD titles are being immediately shelved in their respective stacks.

To [...]