
Drop-in seminars on Database Searching and RefWorks

Next week, I will hold two open, drop-in seminars on library resources

  • Database Searching – Wednesday, November 15, 11:00-12:00, LAC 1173
    Learn to select and access the best databases for your subject, search their content and find full-text articles
  • RefWorks – Thursday, November 16, 4:00-5:00, LAC 1170A
    Learn how to use this citation management system that makes building bibliographies a flash.

These seminars all open to all; no registration required.

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  • Anita

    I live in Orlando and am a graduate student in Library Science–could really use this information but have never been on the Lakeland Campus —and it would take me about an hour to get there–should I do this? Or is there some option that makes better sense…let me know.

  • clw


    Was there one of the classes of particular interest to you?
    RefWorks does have a good, although basic, tutorials that are available at and in the Help menu of the software itself (you need to have an account created). The Tampa Library also holds RefWorks classes periodically, see

    It’s harder to show online how to do searches, hence the face to face class. You could set an appointment with me at a time that would be more convenient for you (maybe on your way to Tampa?) You can also set up an appointment with a Tampa Library librarian, try

    The database searching and the RefWorks classes will be repeated at a later date as well.