
MetaLib update

Along with our catalog, MetaLib and SFX, our databases/fulltext tools, have also been updated by FCLA. Enhancements within these tools will be implemented to improve discovery and use of online resources.

  • With the Quick Search feature in MetaLib, you will see a “clustering” of results by topic and by author, date, and journal. Search results will be relevancy ranked and automatically merged to detect duplicate entries.
  • The newest version of MetaLib will now comply with the W3C Web Content Accessibility Level A, making MetaLib more accessible to our sight impaired.
  • The latest version of SFX will include the useful Citation Linker feature, allowing a search for a citation by title, author, ISSN, or any number of search fields.
  • MetaLib will display updates on new resources and known issues with databases, keeping you current on what has been recently added and providing you with the information you need to work in an increasingly complex and dynamic environment.

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