
New reference electronic books

The USF Libraries have acquired the following three online reference works from the publisher, John Wiley & Sons.

  • The Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science

    The Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science captures contemporary thinking about the workings of the mind and brain with approaches and techniques that have emerged since the 1980′s. This reference work covers the cognitive sciences in the broadest sense. It reviews the common themes of information and information processing, representation, and computation, with in depth coverage of the core areas of psychology, philosophy, linguistics and neuroscience. Includes over 16,500 references and 1,500 illustrations.

  • Encyclopedia of RF and Microwave Engineering

    Based on the six-volume Encyclopedia of RF and Microwave Engineering, the online version of this resource represents the most comprehensive single source of information on RF and Microwaves. It serves as a compendium of theory, design methods, and applications as well as an examination of technologies and future trends. Each article includes an overview of each subject, followed by in-depth descriptions of important theory, technology developments, and applications. Features such key topics as Electromagnetics, Wave Propagation, RF Circuits, RF Receivers, Microwave Antennas, RF and Microwave Photonics, CAD Techniques and Modeling, Noise, Communications Systems, Radio Technologies, and Remote Sensing. It is well illustrated with over 5000 figures and photos.

  • Encyclopedia of Environmetrics

    The Encyclopedia of Environmetrics covers the development and application of quantitative methods in the environmental sciences. It provides essential tools for understanding, predicting, and controlling the impacts of agents, both man-made and natural, which affect the environment. Basic and applied research in this area covers a broad range of topics. Primary among these are the quantitative sciences, such as statistics, probability and applied mathematics, chemometrics, and econometrics. Other applications included are important in ecology and environmental biology, public health, atmospheric science, geology, engineering, risk management, and regulatory/governmental policy.

For these reference works and other library resources visit

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