
Database: Web of Knowledge enhancements

Web of Knowledge is now sporting several enhancements:

  • Search grant activity and funding acknowledgements in Web of Science and see where funding money is going; what research has been developed from a specific grant; and who is funding research at your institution.
  • You can access searches created with the Refine and Analyze capabilities through the Search History – and create alerts.
  • Discover an easier way to let the world know about your achievements: create new accounts. Suggest publication lists. And get metrics and data analysis for researchers at your institution, with the new ResearcherID batch upload and download Web services.
  • Personalize your view of citation relationships with enhanced citation mapping capabilities.

Some of you might also be interested in, a website produced by the publishers of Web of Knowledge, Thomson Reuters. This website “tracks trends and performance in basic research i.e. lists hot papers, emerging research fronts, country trends, rising stars and the like. Note that site deals primarily with STM but cover a bit of business, psychology and social sciences as well.

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