
Award opportunity in sociology from CSA

From an email sent by Cambrigde Scientific Abstracts, one of our database vendors.

CSA has announced the inaugural CSA Sociological Abstracts Discovery Prize, intended to promote teaching and learning in sociology. The prize is open to both faculty and students with a top award of $3,000 and honorable mention awards of $500. The submission deadline is 15 April 2006.

Submissions should describe a sociological research project that involved use of CSA Sociological Abstracts and define how the project contributed to teaching and learning in sociology. Submissions will be evaluated by CSA in accordance with the following:

1. Innovation (creativity in use of CSA Sociological Abstracts )
2. Transferability (to other sociology courses or curricula)
3. Effectiveness (in advancing teaching, learning and information literacy)
4. Scholarship (meets accepted standards of research)

Additional information about the CSA Sociological Abstracts Discovery Prize and an application form are available at .

Winning submissions will be posted to this Web site when awards are announced.

CSA Sociological Abstracts is the preeminent resource for accessing the research literature in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. The database contains more than 695,000 references with backfiles to 1952. More than 1,800 journals and other serials publications are abstracted for this database, as well +as conference papers, books, book chapters, and dissertations. The database is delivered through the award-winning CSA Illumina platform and was recently enhanced with cited references and scholar profiles.

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