
Easy integration of Refworks in BlackBoard

Integration of a Refworks database has been made easier in BlackBoard.

Instructors, say you have created a database in Refworks, the citation management software, for one of your classes. It contains citations (and possibly links) of suggested articles, reports and book chapters for your students to read. That database can now be linked from your class information in BlackBoard.

Here’s how: in BlackBoard, from the control panel, select the area where you would like the link to be. Then add an item using the right-hand drop down menu, choosing the “Link to Refworks database” option.

You will then be asked for the database login name and password. You can designate the main password for your Refworks database; your students will then be able to add citations to the database (but delete them too). Use the read-only password if you do not wish your students to be able to modify the entries. To set a read-only password, log in into your Refworks database, go under “Tools”, then “Update User Information”.

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