
2005 ISI Journal Citation Reports available

The data from the 2005 Journal Citation Reports is now available in the ISI Web of Knowledge database. This data gives information on how many times a journal was cited, how many it has cited other journals and it’s impact factor, among others.

This kind of information is interesting when you are choosing a journal to submit an article, or when you are collecting additional information for a tenure and/or promotion dossier.

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  • mothilal

    Just to see the impact factor

  • Dorra GHORBEL

    I would like the 2005 ISI® Journal Citation Reports (list of journals with impact factors).

    Thanks alot.

  • clw

    Are you a USF student or faculty member? You can access the Journal Citation Reports in the Web of Knowledge database. Go to MetaLib, search the database by name and click on the resulting link. In the database itself, at the very top, you will see a drop-down menu. You will see the option for the Reports. If you are from off campus, don’t forget to log in myUSF first.

    If you are not part of the USF community, you could see if you can get access at your own academic library.