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Library’s official opening

The USFL Library’s official opening took place on Monday, February 26th.

A nice crowd gathered to visit the library, browse the new USFL Faculty Publications Special Collection and listen to our two distinguished guests, Dr Judith Ponticell, Associate VP Academic Affairs of USFL and Dr Derrie Perez, Dean, University Library System. We also proceeded with the first official book loan with Ms Kristen Dailey, USFL SGA President.

The video of the event is now available online for your viewing (wmv file ; 00:14:14). Pictures have been uploaded in the gallery.

Winner of the book drawing

The winner of our book drawing at the beginning of February is Dr Cynthia Patterson, Assistant Professor of English in the Arts and Sciences Division of USFL. Dr Patterson won a signed copy of the University of South Florida – The First Fifty Years. She received her prize during the Library’s official opening event. Congratulations and happy reading!

ScienceDirect downtime this Saturday

All parts of ScienceDirect will be down tomorrow, Saturday March 3rd, including the linking gateway software. ScienceDirect is the platform for commercial publisher Elsevier’s electronic journals.

Users will see a message that the system is temporarily down. The outage will start at 6:30 AM EST and last approximately 9 hours.

More newspapers

In addition to The Lakeland Ledger and the Polk County Democrat, the USF Lakeland Library now receives the Tampa Tribune daily. All are available at the front desk for your perusal.

Library’s official opening

The USF Lakeland Library will have an official opening ceremony on Monday, February 26th at 3:15. In conjunction with the Lakeland Technology Building dedication, this short ceremony will feature the first official loan and the unveiling of the library’s first Special Collection. Special guests are Dr Derrie Perez, Dean of the Libraries; Dr Judith Ponticell, USFL Associate Vice-President of Academic Affairs and Kristen Dailey, USFL SGA President. Visitors can then tour the Library and Open Use Lab. We hope to see you there!

Copyright brochure for faculty and TAs

The Association of Research Library recently published a free brochure aimed at faculty members and Teaching Assistants dealing with copyright issues. Among the topics covered in the brochure are: fair use, the advantage of linking to instead of copying works, and special provisions for displaying or performing works in classes. The brochure also includes a one-page chart that highlights 24 situations when various categories of works can be used.

The brochure, Know Your Copy Rights—What You Can Do, is available on the Web in color and b/w formats (direct link is to the color version).

Merilyn Burke, the Associate Director of Access & Media Services at the Tampa Library, is the USF Libraries expert on copyright. Don’t hesitate to contact her if you have any questions at 974-4561 or

Lakeland Ledger

The daily newspaper Lakeland Ledger is now available for in-house perusal at the USF Library. You can find it at the front desk. Issues will be kept for two weeks before being discarded.

New resources at the USF Lakeland Library

Here is a list of new books available at the USF Library. Please take note as to where they will be located:

  • the new books in the general collection, the professional development collection and the children’s books collection will be housed in the “New Books” stacks. This stack, awaiting the installation of additional shelving, will be found back-to-back to the Children’s Books stack, near the librarian’s office. The items will be shelved in their permanent stacks as new books arrive.
  • the new reference books will be shelved immediately in the Reference section.
  • the new audio-visual items will be shelved immediately at the front desk. Please note that USF Lakeland students can borrow A/V materials for one week, like USF faculty and staff members.


  • Atlas of race, ancestry, and religion in 21st-century Florida / Morton D. Winsberg ; urban cartography by Jeff Ueland.
    G1316.E2 W5 2006
  • Got game : how the gamer generation is reshaping business forever / John C. Beck, Mitchell Wade.
    GV1469.3 .B43 2004
  • Entrepreneurship : the engine of growth. Volumes 1-3.
    HB615 .E636 2006
  • Cases in the environment of business : international perspectives / David W. Conklin.
    HD62.4 .C3685 2006
  • Cases in alliance management : building successful alliances / Jean-Louis Schaan, Micheál J. Kelly.
    HD69.S8 S315 2007
  • The long tail : why the future of business is selling less of more / Chris Anderson.
    HF5415.127 .A54 2006
  • Proceedings : 97th annual conference on taxation, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 11-13, 2004 : and minutes of the annual meeting of the National Tax Association Thursday, November 11, 2004.
    HJ10.3 .N38 2004
  • For the common good : the ethics of leadership in the 21st century / edited by John C. Knapp ; foreword by Jimmy Carter.
    HM1261 .F67 2006
  • Aging nation : the economics and politics of growing older in America / James H. Schulz and Robert H. Binstock.
    HQ1063.2.U6 S395 2006
  • Handbook of restorative justice : a global perspective / edited by Dennis Sullivan and Larry Tifft.
    HV8688 .H36 2006
  • Corporate tax digest. 3rd edition. 2007 Cumulative Supplement No. 1 / John Catherall, Daniel E. Field.
    KF6460.3 .C38 1997
  • The data guidebook for teachers and leaders : tools for continuous improvement / Eileen Depka.
    LB1028 .D44 2006
  • Can state universities be managed? : a primer for presidents and management teams / Duane Acker ; foreword by Harold Wechsler.
    LB2341 .A27 2006
  • Restorative justice on the college campus : promoting student growth and responsibility, and reawakening the spirit of campus community / edited by David R. Karp and Thom Allena.
    LB2344 .R47 2004
  • Schools and data : the educator’s guide for using data to improve decision making / Theodore B. Creighton. 2nd edition
    LB2805 .C737 2007
  • School leaders building capacity from within : resolving competing agendas creatively / Leonard C. Burrello, Lauren P. Hoffman, Lynn E. Murray ; foreword by Robert Fitz.
    LB2822.82 .B87 2005
  • School bullying : tools for avoiding harm and liability / Mary Jo McGrath.
    LB3013.3 .M355 2007
  • Letters from the future : linking students and teaching with the diversity of everyday life / edited by Deborah A. Brunson, Brenda Jarmon, and Linda L. Lampl ; foreword by Michelle Howard-Vital.
    LC1099.3 .L48 2007
  • The perfect thing : how the iPod shuffles commerce, culture, and coolness / Steven Levy.
    ML74.4.I48 L48 2006
  • Building Microsoft Access applications / John L. Viescas.
    QA76.9.D3 V535 2005
  • A Java library of graph algorithms and optimization / Hang T. Lau.
    QA76.73.J38 L362 2007

Titles from the new Professional Development collection
The items in this collection will be shelved among the regular collections and in most cases, can be checked out. The purpose of this collection is to gather titles that are useful for USFL staff continuing education and professional development.

  • Introduction to qualitative research methods : a guidebook and resource / Steven J. Taylor, Robert Bogdan. 3rd edition
    H61 .T385 1998
  • Good to great : why some companies make the leap–and others don’t / Jim Collins.
    HD57.7 .C645 2001
  • Human relations : interpersonal, job-oriented skills / Andrew J. DuBrin.
    HF5386 .D768 2007
  • Crystal reports XI : the complete reference / George Peck.
    HF5719 .P434 2005
  • The third side : why we fight and how we can stop / William L. Ury.
    HM1126 .U79 2000
  • Mediation in the campus community : designing and managing effective programs / William C. Warters.
    LB2343 .W37 2000
  • Statistical methods for rates and proportions. Joseph L. Fleiss, Bruce Levin, Myunghee Cho Paik. 3rd edition.
    QA279 .F58 2003


  • Florida statistical abstract 2006
    Reference — HA311 .F55
  • The entrepreneur’s information sourcebook : charting the path to small business success / Susan C. Awe.
    HD62.5 .A96 2006
  • Business and technical communication : an annotated guide to sources, skills, and samples / compiled by Sandra E. Belanger … [et al.].
    HF5718 .B9275 2005
  • Lexis Nexis Florida annotated statutes volume 27 Title XLVIII
    Reference — KFF29 .F55
  • Digest of education statistics 2005.
    Reference — L112 .A35
  • Florida Education Directory, 2006-2007 School Year
    Reference — L903.F5 A3
  • Periodical title abbreviations. Volumes 1 and 2.
    Reference — PN4832 .A43

Children’s Books

  • Adèle & Simon / Barbara McClintock.
    PZ7.M47841418 Ad 2006
  • So Sleepy Story / Uri Shulevitz.
    PZ7.S5594 Sos 2006
  • John, Paul, George & Ben / Lane Smith
    PZ7.S6538 Jo 2006
  • Hello, twins / Charlotte Voake.
    PZ7.V855 Hcl 2006
  • Flotsam / David Wiesner.
    PZ7.W6367 Fl 2006
  • The little red hen / Jerry Pinkney.
    PZ8.1 .L72 2006
  • The red lemon / by Bob Staake.
    PZ8.3.S778 Red 2006
  • Gone wild : an endangered animal alphabet / David McLimans.
    QL83 .M355 2006
  • Move! / Steve Jenkins and Robin Page ; illustrated by Steve Jenkins
    QP301 .J44 2006


  • The psychology of racism [videorecording] : where have we gone wrong? / Derald Wing Sue. (DVD)
    HT1523 .P85 2004
  • Jay Haley on directive therapy [videorecording]. (DVD)
    RC488.5 .J39 2000
  • Treating borderline personality disorder videorecording : the dialectical approach. (VHS)
    RC569.5.B67 L56 1995
  • Understanding borderline personality disorder [videorecording] : the dialectical approach / Kevin Dawkins Productions. (VHS)
    RC569.5.B67 L565 1995

Book Drawing

Tomorrow, Saturday February 10th, will be your last chance to participate in our book drawing. Come to the front desk at the Library (LTB 1115) to fill in an entry form. The prize is a signed copy of “The University of South Florida – the First Fifty Years” by Dr. Mark Greenberg of the USF Libraries.

Also at the front desk are our post-it giveaways, so pick one up as well.

Facebook group for the USF Lakeland Library

I just created a Facebook group for the users and friends of the USF Lakeland Library. The group is open to all but you do need a Facebook account. Featured will be news, events and discussions. Join in and be a Friend!