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Free Resources to Celebrate Black History Month

In recognition of Black History Month, publisher Thomson Gale has launched a free Web site comprised of historical facts and figures, biographies, relevant Web links and lesson plans. This site is designed to help students, teachers and families celebrate the month. Access to lesson plans, biographies and quizzes are available. A list of titles that will help students gain a deeper appreciation for African-American heritage also is available, as is a timeline that takes visitors through nearly 400 years of black history.

Service Interruption for CAMIO and RLG Cultural Materials Friday

CAMIO, RLG Cultural Materials, and our web page will be unavailable Friday January 26 from approximately 12 pm – 5 pm Eastern Time for system maintenance.

Job opening: Library Technical Assistant

The upcoming USF Lakeland Library has a job opening for a Library Technical Assistant.

Please see for more details.

The deadline to apply is February 1st 2007. Don’t forget to fill the USF Application for Employment with your resume and cover letter.

The new USF Lakeland Library

It is my great pleasure and honor to announce that the new USF Lakeland Library will open on Monday, January 29th 2007. Our new space is located in LTB 1115, on the first floor of the new Lakeland Technology Building.

For many years, the Polk Community College Library has housed the USF collections and offered services to the USF students, staff and faculty; we do thank them for all their work and wish them the best for the future. During the week of January 22nd, the books, journals and A-V materials belonging to USF will be moved from the PCC Library to the new location. Please note that they won’t be available until the new library opens on the 29th.

To note, the USF Open Use Computer Lab is moving along with the Library to the same location, with more computer workstations. The Writing Center will be moving as well to the LTB.

Come and check out the new library! During the first two weeks, there will be giveaways and a book drawing. More details on the move will be available soon on the library’s website.

Martin Luther King, Jr Day

In observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr Day, the PCC/USF Library will be closed on Monday, January 15th. The library will reopen on Tuesday, the 16th at 8:00 AM.

Book award

USF Lakeland Associate Dean, Dr. Greg Paveza has received a 2006 American Journal of Nursing (AJN) Book of the Year Award for his co-edited Handbook of Geriatric Assessment (Joseph J. Gallo, Hillary R. Bogner, Terry Fulmer, and Gregory Paveza (Eds)).

The book is part of the USF collection at the PCC/USF Library. The call number is RC953 .G34 2006.

Absence from campus

Monday, January 8th, I will be off campus for meetings. I will be back on Tuesday, January 9th.

If you need immediate assistance, you can contact the USF Tampa’s Ask-A-Librarian services or, for a short, factual question, use the PCC/USF Library.

New resources for the Center for Research Libraries in 2007

Faculty members, remember that you have access to rare and important primary sources from around the world with the Center for Research Libraries. From an email from Larry Heilos, Associate Director of the Tampa Library:

Center for Research Libraries (CRL) just recently announced the list of major microform collections that will be purchased through CRL’s FY2007 Purchase Proposal Program. We’re happy to report that several of USF Library’s priority picks were among the collections selected for purchase, including the two Incunabula titles, Guatemala News and Information Bureau Archive, and Bernard Shaw papers.

One of the perks of USF Libraries’ CRL membership is participation in the Center’s annual purchase program. Each year, CRL’s membership, comprising more than 100 of the nation’s premier research libraries, nominate for consideration and then vote for those titles they want the Center to purchase from its budget for major microform collections. Titles garnering the most votes are purchased by the Center for its permanent collection and made available to the membership on-site and through interlibrary loan (…)

(Tampa Library’s) Access Services Associate Director, Merilyn Burke, can assist you in acquiring these or any of CRL’s other microform resources for your research through interlibrary loan. Unlike most items borrowed through ILL, which must be returned to the lending institution in a set period generally lasting around than two weeks, materials borrowed from CRL can be retained for six months or more, with virtually unlimited renewals for as long as the materials are needed.

Merilyn can be reached at 974-4561, or by email at

Logon to CRL’s website, which includes access to their online catalog, at

The list with a full description of the new collections can be found at

  • Arabic Manuscripts in the British Library – Islamic Mysticism & Philosophy
  • Curzon India and Empire Pt 1: the papers of Lord Curzon 1859-1925 from the Oriental and India Office Collections at the British Library London
  • Doctoral Dissertations from Israel in the subject matter of Jewish and Israel Studies
  • Documenting the Peruvian Insurrection
  • East India Company Factory Records: Sources from the British Library London Pt 1: China and Japan
  • East India Company Factory Records: Sources from the British Library London Pt 2: China
  • English Clandestine Satire 1660-1704: Popular Culture Entertainment and Information in the Early Modern Period
  • German Colonial Archives Reichskolonialamt R1001. Installment 3
  • Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Units 63 and 64: Romances
  • Incunabula: The Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Units 72, 75-77. Units 72 & 75 are on Printing in Florence. Units 76 & 77 are on Printing in Venice
  • Latin American History and Culture: Series 5. Civil War Society and Political Transition in Guatemala: The Guatemala News and Information Bureau Archive 1963-2000
  • Shaw: the papers of Bernard Shaw 1856-1950 from the British Library Parts 1-3

Blogs and Wikis: a Library Approach

Among the programming for the USF Libraries Annual Meeting were breakout sessions on different subjects of interest to libraries. I presented a session entitled Blogs and Wikis: A Library Approach. The link will bring you to the presentation itself.

Annual report

Last Friday, I attended the USF Libraries Annual Meeting. As Associate Librarian and as the Campus Librarian for Lakeland, I was asked to present a short report to the Libraries personnel assembled. Here is what I presented:

Lakeland Library Services
Engaging students

  • Lakeland’s information literacy and library instruction activities hit a new high with, as of mid-December 2006, 718 library users reached in 39 orientations, classes and seminars. Students in all Divisions and Departments were reached. This is an increase of over 210% in terms of students and 320% in terms of presentations compared to 2005. Five of these classes were given to distance learners using real-time electronic classroom software Elluminate.
  • Reference also increased from 83 questions answered in 2005 to more than 235 in 2006, an augmentation of over 280%.
  • The Lakeland Librarian, Catherine Lavallée-Welch, manned a table at the student-led “University Awareness Day” in November to distribute information about the library services on campus. The laptop she brought to the event was used in answering impromptu reference questions.

Engaging Faculty & Researchers

  • Collection development activities continued during the year. Two new collections were started: a Professional Development collection was created at the request of staff members. Accessible to all, this collection will comprised of titles that will help USF personnel develop their professional skills. The groundwork was also put in place to create a USF Lakeland Faculty Publications special collection that will be launched in the Spring.
  • In August, Catherine Lavallée-Welch, was a presenter at the campus’ first “Technology Integration Institute for Faculty”. She held three sessions: Weblogs and wikis, Catalog and database searching and Resources for promotion and tenure. Nine faculty members participated in what is a year-long process to integrate more technology into teaching.

Engaging the Community

  • Just in time for the Faculty and Staff Campaign, a development fund specific to the Lakeland Library Services was created. We are grateful to our Lakeland colleagues who have elected to make their donations to this fund. It shall be appear on the USF Foundation website this coming year.

The keynote speaker during lunchtime was Dr. Ray Arsenault from USF St. Petersburg. He talked about his 2006 tome, Freedom Riders: 1961 and the Struggle for Racial Justice from the Pivotal Moments in American History series by the Oxford University Press. I can only recommend this excellent book.