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PCC/USF Library hours – change

There have been a few changes for the opening hours following my post on August 8th. Since there are Collegiate High School students on campus, the library is open for all the usual transactions. The USF Open Use Lab is open as well.

Opening hours are still reduced though, from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. One exception, on Wednesday, August 16th, the Library will be open from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

New resources

Here is a list of new arrivals at the PCC/USF Library for the months of May and June.


  • The price of whiteness : Jews, race, and American identity / Eric L. Goldstein.
    E184.36.E84 G65 2006
  • In the midst of all that makes life worth living : Polk County, Florida, to 1940 / Canter Brown, Jr.
    F317.P7 B76 2001
  • None can have richer memories : Polk County, Florida, 1940-2000 / by Canter Brown, Jr.
    F317.P7 B765 2005
  • The view from the dugout : the journals of Red Rolfe / edited by William M. Anderson.
    GV865.R65 A3 2006
  • The Cleveland Indians encyclopedia / Russell Schneider
    GV875.C7 S35 2001
  • Encyclopedia of knowledge management / David G. Schwartz, [editor]
    REF HD30.2 .E53 2006
  • Globalization and development in Latin America / edited by Richard L. Harris.
    HF1480.5 .G563 2005
  • Excel 2003 bible / John Walkenbach.
    HF5548.4.M523 W34578 2003
  • Same-sex marriage : the legal and psychological evolution in America / Donald J. Cantor
    HQ1034.U5 S245 2006
  • Handbook of health social work / edited by Sarah Gehlert and Teri Arthur Browne.
    HV687.A2 H36 2006
  • The passion of teaching : dispositions in the schools / edited by Robert Lee Smith, James Hurst, Denise Skarbek
    LB1025.3 .P27 2005
  • Handbook of research on literacy in technology at the K-12 level / Leo Tan Wee Hin and R. Subramaniam, editors.
    REF LB1028.43 .H36 2006
  • Elementary education : a reference handbook / Deborah A. Harmon and Toni Stokes Jones.
    LB1555 .H297 2005
  • Teacher mentoring and induction : the state of the art and beyond / Hal Portner, editor
    LB1731.4 .T453 2005
  • The best teacher’s test preparation for the FTCE : Florida Teacher Certification Examination–professional education test / Leasha M. Barry
    LB1763.F6 B47 2005
  • Thirteen strategies to measure college teaching : a consumer’s guide to rating scale construction, assessment, and decision making for faculty, administrators, and clinicians / Ronald A. Berk
    LB2333 .B47 2006
  • Taking ownership of accreditation : assessment processes that promote institutional improvement and faculty engagement / edited by Amy Driscoll and Diane Cordero de Noriega
    LB2810.3.U6 D75 2006
  • White teachers, diverse classrooms : a guide to building inclusive schools, promoting high expectations, and eliminating racism / edited by Julie Landsman and Chance W. Lewis.
    LC1099.3 .W48 2006
  • Linguistic diversity and teaching / Nancy L. Commins, Ofelia B. Miramontes.
    LC201.5 .C59 2005
  • The positive side of special education : minimizing its fads, fancies, and follies / Kenneth A. Kavale, Mark P. Mostert.
    LC4019 .K38 2004
  • Handbook of research in emotional and behavioral disorders / edited by Robert B. Rutherford, Jr., Mary Magee Quinn, Sarup R. Mathur
    LC4801 .H35 2004
  • International encyclopedia of adult education / edited by Leona M. English.
    REF LC5211 .I56 2005
  • University of South Florida : the first fifty years, 1956-2006 / by Mark I. Greenberg
    LD1799.8 .G74 2006
  • Teaching English as a foreign or second language : a teacher self-development and methodology guide / Jerry G. Gebhard.
    PE1128.A2 G38 2006
  • Teaching and evaluating writing in the age of computers and high-stakes testing / Carl Whithaus
    PE1405.U6 W47 2005
  • Effect sizes for research : a broad practical approach / Robert J. Grisson, John J. Kim
    QA279 .G75 2005
  • Windows system programming / Johnson M. Hart.
    QA76.76.A65 H373 2005
  • Component-oriented programming / Andy Ju An Wang, Kai Qian
    QA76.76.C66 W36 2005
  • The art of computer virus research and defense / Peter Szor
    QA76.76.C68 S96 2005
  • Open systems and standards for software product development / P.A. Dargan.
    QA76.76.D47 D35 2005
  • Linux device drivers / Jonathan Corbet, Alessandro Rubini, and Greg Kroah-Hartman.
    QA76.76.D49 R92 2005
  • Understanding the Linux kernel / Daniel P. Bovet and Marco Cesati.
    QA76.76.O63 B665 2006
  • Test driving Linux : from Windows to Linux in 60 seconds / David Brickner.
    QA76.76.O63 B744 2005
  • Linux kernel development / Robert Love.
    QA76.76.O63 L673 2005
  • The Linux Kernel primer : a top-down approach for X86 and PowerPC architectures / Claudia Salzberg Rodriguez, Gordon Fischer, Steven Smolski.
    QA76.76.O63 R633 2006
  • Linux in a Windows world / Roderick W. Smith.
    QA76.76.O63 S588464 2005
  • Advanced programming in the Unix environment / W. Richard Stevens, Stephen A. Rago.
    QA76.76.O63 S754 2005
  • Operating systems : design and implementation / Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Albert S. Woodhull.
    QA76.76.O63 T36 2006
  • Solaris systems programming / Rich Teer.
    QA76.76.O63 T4314 2005
  • Virtualization : from the desktop to the enterprise / Chris Wolf and Erick M. Halter.
    QA76.76.O63 W64 2005
  • Enterprise information systems assurance and system security : managerial and technical issues / [edited by] Merrill Warkentin and Rayford Vaughn.
    QA76.9.A25 E5455 2006
  • Access 2003 bible / Cary N. Prague, Michael R. Irwin, and Jennifer Reardon.
    QA76.9.D3 P72548 2004
  • Microsoft Office Access 2003 inside out / John L. Viescas.
    QA76.9.D3 V545 2004
  • Computational intelligence for movement sciences : neural networks and other emerging techniques / Rezaul Begg, Marimuthu Palaniswami [editors].
    QP301 .C588 2006
  • Praeger handbook of Black American health : policies and issues behind disparities in health / edited by Ivor Lensworth Livingston
    REF RA448.5.N4 H364 2004
    2 volumes
  • Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders : DSM-IV-TR.
    RC455.2.C4 D536 2000
  • Handbook of mental health interventions in children and adolescents : an integrated developmental approach / Hans Steiner, editor.
    REF RJ499 .H324 2004
  • Technical communication and the World Wide Web / edited by Carol Lipson, Michael Day.
    T11 .T2985 2005
  • Creation, use, and deployment of digital information / edited by Herre van Oostendorp, Leen Breure, Andrew Dillon.
    T58.5 .C74 2005
  • Stuff you don’t learn in engineering school : skills for success in the real world / Carl Selinger.
    TA190 .S39 2004
  • Tools for teaching computer networking and hardware concepts / [edited by] Nurul I. Sarkar.
    TK5105.5 .T66 2006
  • Silence on the wire : a field guide to passive reconnaissance and indirect attacks / Michal Zalewski.
    TK5105.59 .Z35 2005
  • The Internet, the Web, and eBusiness : formalizing applications for the real world / Kai A. Olsen.
    TK5105.875.I57 O485 2005
  • Wiki : Web collaboration / Anja Ebersbach, Markus Glaser, Richard Heigl
    TK5105.8882 .E2413 2006

Journals/Newsletters (shelved by title)

  • Online Cl@ssroom: Ideas for Effective Online Instruction
  • Relational Child & Youth Care Practice


  • Race: The Power of an Illusion
    LKAVLIB GN269 .R337 2003
  • Social Skills Workshop (teen audience) – 4 DVDs
    Basic social skills
    USF LKAVLIB HQ783 .B3 2003
    Developing confidence and self-esteem
    USF LKAVLIB BF575.S39 D48 2003
    Negotiations and compromise
    USF LKAVLIB BF637.N4 N44 2003
    Shyness busting skills
    USF LKAVLIB BF724.3.B36 B3 2003

Children books – Some award-winning books finally arrived after late processing

  • Understanding the Holy Land : answering questions about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict / Mitch Frank.
    CH.LIT DS119.7 .F723 2005
  • Good brother, bad brother : the story of Edwin Booth and John Wilkes Booth / James Cross Giblin
    CH.LIT E457.5 .G53 2005
  • Roberto Clemente : pride of the Pittsburgh Pirates / by Jonah Winter ; illustrated by Raul Colon.
    CH.LIT GV865.C45 W56 2005
  • Let me play : the story of Title IX : the law that changed the future of girls in America / Karen Blumenthal
    CH.LIT KF4166 .B58 2005
  • A family of poems : my favorite poetry for children / [selected by] Caroline Kennedy ; paintings by Jon J Muth.
    CH.LIT PN6109.97 .F3 2005
  • Poems to dream together = Poemas para so nar juntos / by Francisco X. Alarcon ; illustrations by Paula Barragan.
    CH.LIT PS3551.L22 P64 2005
  • Here in Harlem : poems in many voices / by Walter Dean Myers.
    CH.LIT PS3563.Y48 H47 2004
  • Central heating : poems about fire and warmth / Marilyn Singer ; illustrated by Meilo So.
    CH.LIT PS3569.I546 C46 2005
  • Guys write for guys read / edited by Jon Scieszka.
    CH.LIT PS509.M46 G89 2005
  • A kick in the head : an everyday guide to poetic forms / selected by Paul B. Janeczko ; illustrated by Chris Raschka.
    CH.LIT PS586.3 .K525 2005
  • Oh, no! Where are my pants? and other disasters : poems / edited by Lee Bennett Hopkins ; pictures by Wolf Erlbruch
    CH.LIT PS595.C565 O38 2005
  • And Tango makes three / by Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell ; illustrated by Henry Cole
    CH.LIT PZ10.3.R414 Tan 2005
  • Flush / Carl Hiaasen
    CH.LIT PZ7.H495 Flu 2005
  • That new animal / Emily Jenkins ; pictures by Pierre Pratt.
    CH.LIT PZ7.J4134 Th 2005
  • The hello, goodbye window / story by Norton Juster ; pictures by Chris Raschka.
    CH.LIT PZ7.J984 He 2005
  • Lucky leaf / Kevin O’Malley
    CH.LIT PZ7.O526 Lu 2004
  • Mice, morals and monkey business : lively lessons from Aesop’s Fables / Christopher Wormell.
    CH.LIT PZ8.2 .W67 Mic 2006
  • The race to save the Lord God Bird / Phillip Hoose
    CH.LIT QL696.P56 H66 2004
  • The librarian of Basra : a true story from Iraq / written & illustrated by Jeanette Winter.
    CH.LIT Z720.B24 W56 2005

Library closing for the PCC semester break

The PCC/USF Library will be closed during the PCC semester break, between August 10th through August 20th. The building will be open during 8 AM to 4 PM for the only purpose of settling borrowers’ records.

During that period, the USF Open Use Lab will be relocated in LAC 1170A in order to serve the USF students. The temporary lab will be open the same hours as the current Open Use Lab (Monday – Thursday 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM – Friday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM – Saturday 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM).

Absent from campus

I will be away from the campus from Monday, July 17th to Friday, July 28th. I will be back on Monday, July 31st.

If you need immediate assistance, you can contact the USF Tampa’s Ask-A-Librarian services or, for a short, factual question, use the PCC/USF Library.

“Stuff the Bus”: school supplies drive

The USF Lakeland community is invited to participate in “Stuff the Bus” with the Kiwanis Clubs of Lakeland. The purpose is to collect school supplies for kids in need. The items needed are pencils, pens, scissors, paper towels, Kleenex, folders, paper, glue sticks, liquid soap, Ziploc bags, crayons, notebooks, erasers, plastic pencil boxes or bags.

We hope to fill several baskets. Starting Monday, July 10th, the baskets will be located in LAC mail area, LLC mail area and LMA mail area. Please bring in your items by Friday, July 21st. For more information, contact Nancy Webb (667-7722 or nwebb at Thank you!

Grove Art Online update

The database Grove Art Online was recently updated with over 100 new and updated articles and over 420 new images as well as expanded links according to subject area. The content comprises the full text of The Dictionary of Art, edited by Jane Turner (1996, 34 vols) and The Oxford Companion to Western Art, edited by Hugh Brigstocke (2001) with new articles are added periodically.

If you are interested in art, you might want to check that database. From the library services page, choose “Search the databases” and search for “Grove Art Online”.

Library closing for the 4th of July

Opening hours for the PCC/USF Library:
Saturday July 1st – 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Sunday July 2nd – closed as usual
Monday July 3rd – 12:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Tuesday July 4th – closed for the holiday

Happy 4th of July to all!

Absent from the campus

Friday, June 30, I will be in Tampa all day for meetings. I will be back on Monday, July 3rd.

Phone system is down

The USF Lakeland phone system is down for the moment. You may not be able to reach me from outside USF. The problem is being worked on.

UPDATE: the system is now operational again.

The differences between PubMed and MEDLINE

I found the following webpage that lists the differences between the PubMed and MEDLINE databases: .

MEDLINE is a component of PubMed and both deal with the life sciences. PubMed is free and while it may be easier to use, MEDLINE will be more specialized and will link to more full-text. Both databases are still very useful to know. The USF Libraries gives you access to MEDLINE via different platforms; the OVID platform contains a subject headings map (a list of predetermined descriptors) – the MeSH – to help you formulate your queries. It is also available in PubMed. A common strategy is to use PubMed to draft a search query you will then use in MEDLINE.