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Florida Best Books Awards program announced



Contest unites FSU, sponsors statewide in celebration of year’s best
books by Florida authors

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Kick-off is Sept. 25 for the First Annual Florida
Book Awards, the most comprehensive competition of its kind ever
launched in the state and an all-around celebration of the year’s best
books by Sunshine State authors.

Spearheaded by the Florida State University Program in American and
Florida Studies, the first-of-its-kind contest is co-sponsored by more
than a dozen high-profile humanities organizations from around the
state. It seeks submissions penned by new and established authors alike
in seven categories ranging from poetry to popular fiction to young
adult literature. The distinguished judges are scholars and literary
luminaries from FSU and other Florida universities and from co-sponsors
such as the Florida Center for the Book, State Library and Archives of
Florida and Florida Humanities Council.

John Cole, director of the Center for the Book at the U.S. Library of
Congress, calls the Florida Book Awards the most comprehensive
initiative of its kind in the country.

“With an early review like that, we hope this project serves as a model
nationwide,” said FSU’s Wayne Wiegand, a professor of library and
information studies and of American studies, who serves as director of
the Florida Book Awards.

“Models matter,” Wiegand said, particularly in the nation’s
fourth-largest state. After all, he resolved to help create the Florida
competition after visiting the Commonwealth Club of California, home to
that state’s annual book awards program for 75 years. In the club’s
permanent display of winning books was John Steinbeck’s “Grapes of

“Proof positive of the treasure that such initiatives may uncover,”
Wiegand said.

Coordinating the competition with Wiegand is John Fenstermaker,
director of the Program in American and Florida studies at FSU —
through which all entries must pass — and chair of the Book Awards
executive committee. He declares the project “an extraordinary example
of cooperation between our program and the principal organizations in
the humanities in Florida.”

The First Annual Florida Book Awards is calling for entries with an
original publication date between Jan. 1, 2006, and Dec. 31, 2006.
Florida authors, co-authors — all must be full-time residents except
in the non-fiction category — literary agents, publishers or any
member of the public may submit an unlimited number of titles into
competition. Required forms, fees ($50 per title, capped at $250) and
review copies must arrive no later than 5 p.m., Jan. 5, 2007.

FSU and other co-sponsors will showcase the books throughout the year
in various ways: permanent, autographed library displays of “Gold
Award” and “Silver Award” recipients, profiles of the winning authors
and books in the prestigious Florida Humanities Council “Forum,” and
readings, book fairs, posters and more. The competition phase concludes
in early March with the announcement of up to five finalists in each
category: general fiction, children’s literature, young adult
literature, Florida non-fiction, poetry, popular fiction and Spanish
language works.

On March 28, 2007, the first annual competition will culminate in
Tallahassee with a ceremony at the State Library and Archives to
recognize formally the works judged tops by jurors (such as acclaimed
poet David Kirby of FSU) drawn from several universities and other
co-sponsoring bodies across Florida.

In addition to FSU’s Program in American and Florida Studies, a
complete list of First Annual Florida Book Awards co-sponsors includes
the Florida Center for the Book; the State Library and Archives of
Florida; Florida Historical Society; Florida Humanities Council;
Florida Library Association; Governor’s Family Literacy Initiative;
Florida Literary Arts Coalition; Florida Association for Media in
Education; Florida Center for the Literary Arts; Friends of the FSU
Libraries; Florida Chapter of the Mystery Writers of America; and “Just
Read, Florida!” The Florida Division of Cultural Affairs will sponsor
the March 28 awards ceremony.

Contest guidelines, entry forms, and lists of sponsors, jury members
and key contacts on the Florida Book Awards, are available through the
FSU Program in American & Florida Studies website,>.

Down the road, Wiegand and Fenstermaker envision winning entries
serving as subjects in academic courses and helping in other ways to
call attention to contemporary Florida book culture and to broader
issues in Florida studies.

“Much hinges on spreading the word about the Awards, especially in
2006, the first year,” Fenstermaker said. “We hope to set a high bar
for winners in each category. Frankly, we are genuinely optimistic. We
don’t expect to be disappointed.”

Editorial in the Tampa Tribune on Banned Books Week

Banned Books Week is mentioned today in the Tampa Tribune by guest commentator, Nicole Yunger Halpern.

Books recently banned around the world

David Shook compiled a list of books recently banned around the world in the September-October issue of World Literature Today:

Among the banned others are Paul Coehlo and Stanley Parks.

Banned Books Week

September 23-30 is Banned Books Week. 2006 marks the 25th anniversary of this celebration of intellectual freedom.


  • for more information about the week
  • for more information about intellectual freedom
  • see the top 10 challenged books in the 21st century
  • vote for your favorite challenged book

and enjoy your freedom to read!

To limit the press is to insult a nation; to prohibit reading of certain books is to declare the inhabitants to be either fools or slaves. – Claude Adrien Helvetius

New USF resources at the Lakeland Library

Here is a list of new books available at the PCC/USF Library, which arrived during August and the first part of September, for the USF collection.


  • Freakonomics : a rogue economist explores the hidden side of everything / Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner
    HB74.P8 L479 2005
  • The economic implications of aging societies : the costs of living happily ever after / Steven A. Nyce, Sylvester J. Schieber
    HB2583 .N93 2005
  • Digital phoenix : why the information economy collapsed and how it will rise again / Bruce Abramson
    HC79.I55 A27 2005
  • Handbook on the knowledge economy / edited by David Rooney, Greg Hearn, Abraham Ninan.
    HD30.2 .R656 2005
  • Thinking strategically in turbulent times : an inside view of strategy making / Alan M. Glassman, Deone Zell, and Shari Duron ; foreword by Barry Z. Posner
    HD30.28 .G58 2005
  • The essential Drucker : the best of sixty years of Peter Drucker’s essential writings on management / Peter F. Drucker
    HD31 .D7672 2005
  • Levers of organization design : how managers use accountability systems for greater performance and commitment / Robert Simons
    HD58.7 .S5824 2005
  • Managing for the long run : lessons in competitive advantage from great family businesses / Danny Miller, Isabelle Le Breton-Miller
    HD62.25 .M54 2005
  • Growing your business globally / Robert A.Taft
    HD62.4 .T33 2005
  • Ethics at work : creating virtue in an American corporation / Daniel Terris
    HF5387.5.U6 T47 2005
  • The fourth branch : the Federal Reserve’s unlikely rise to power and influence / Bernard Shull
    HG2563 .S58 2005
  • Does foreign direct investment promote development? / edited by Theodore H. Moran, Edward M. Graham and Magnus Blomstrom
    HG4538 .D64 2005
  • The Chicago Board of Trade handbook of futures and options / Chicago Board of Trade
    REF HG6024.U6 C45 2006
  • A financial history of modern U.S. corporate scandals : from Enron to reform / Jerry W. Markham
    HV6769 .M37 2006
  • Java message service API tutorial and reference : messagimg for the J2EE platform / Mark Hapner … [et al.]
    QA76.73.J38 J3675 2002
  • Java.rmi : the remote method invocation guide / Esmond Pitt and Kathy McNiff.
    QA76.73.J38 P58 2001
  • Challenges of information technology education in the 21st century / [edited by] Eli Cohen.
    T58.5 .C42 2002
  • Naked conversations : how blogs are changing the way businesses talk with customers / Robert Scoble and Shel Israel
    TK5105.8884 .S26 2006

Children Books

  • Hi! Fly Guy / Tedd Arnold
    CH.LIT PZ7.A7379 Hi 2005
  • Doña Flor : a tall tale about a giant woman with a great big heart / by Pat Mora
    CH.LIT PZ7.M78819 Don 2005
  • Brothers in hope : the story of the Lost Boys of Sudan / by Mary Williams ; illustrated by R. Gregory Christie
    CH.LIT PZ7.W66699 Br 2005
  • Elephants can paint, too! / pictures and text by Katya Arnold
    CH.LIT QL737.P98 A765 2005

USF Libraries website outage on Thursday

The USF Libraries web server is scheduled for a down time for management work on Thursday, September 14, from 4:30am to 6:30am. This outage will impact both the USF Libraries’ website and the EZProxy server.

Absent from campus

Tuesday, September 5th, I will absent from the campus. I will be back Wednesday the 6th.

If you need immediate assistance, you can contact the USF Tampa’s Ask-A-Librarian services or, for a short, factual question, use the PCC/USF Library.

myUSF and library access

You may already know that one of the most efficient way of connecting to the library databases and electronic journals from off-campus is through myUSF (aka Blackboard). Once logged in, there is a tab called “Libraries”.

Well, that tab is now sporting a direct link to the Lakeland Library Services page making connecting to our library webpages a little more direct and less confusing.

New USF resources at the Lakeland Library

Here is a list of new books and other materials in the USF collection which arrived during July and are available at the PCC/USF Library.

As always, I welcome your purchase suggestions, contact me, your Library Committee representative, or fill up the form found on .


  • Helping people help themselves : from the World Bank to an alternative philosophy of development assistance / David Ellerman
    HC60 .E433 2005
  • Blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other powerful web tools for classrooms / Will Richardson.
    LB1044.87 .R53 2006
  • New ideas about self-directed learning / Huey B. Long and associates.
    LB1049 D538 1994
  • Practice & theory in self-directed learning / Huey B. Long & associates.
    LC32 .P668 2000
  • DSM-IV guidebook / Allen Frances, Michael B. First, Harold Alan Pincus.
    REF RC469 .F69 1995
  • Podcasting for dummies / Tee Morris
    TK5105.887 .M67 2006
  • Blogging for dummies / Brad Hill.
    TK5105.8884 .H55 2006

Books on CD-Rom

  • Self-directed learning : emerging theory & practice / Huey B. Long and Associates.
    LKAVLIB LC5209 .S38 2005
  • Current developments in e-learning & self-directed learning / Huey B. Long & Associates.
    LKAVLIB LC5225.L42 C87 2003x
  • Self-directed learning and the information age / Huey B. Long & Associates
    LKAVLIB LC5225.L42 S44 2001x
  • Twenty-first century advances in self-directed learning / Huey B. Long & Associates.
    LKAVLIB LC5225.L42 T83 2002x

Scheduled downtime for ABC-CLIO history databases

There will be a one-hour period of scheduled downtime for the Historical Abstracts and America: History and Life databases on Wednesday, August 16, 2006 from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. During that period of time, the database servers will be moved to a new location within the data center.