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Absent from campus

I will absent from the campus Tuesday, November 7th. I will be back on Wednesday, November 8th.

If you need immediate assistance, you can contact the USF Tampa’s Ask-A-Librarian services or, for a short, factual question, use the PCC/USF Library.

Moving to a new office

Later this week, I will be moving to my new office in the Lakeland Technology Building.

My office location is LTB 1119, in the future Learning Resources Multi-Media Lab/Center (LRMML) space on the first floor.
My phone number will remain the same: 863-667-7737.
My email will remain the same as well:

I will busy packing on Thursday, November 9th. My new office will be accessible on Monday, November 13th.

Ruth and Frank Coleman Award for Excellence in Short Fiction Writing

January 31st 2007, 12:00 noon, is the deadline to apply to the Ruth and Frank Coleman Award for Excellence in Short Fiction Writing sponsored by the USF Tampa Library. The award is not limited to unpublished authors, but all submissions must be previously unpublished, and they should be from 1,000 to 8,000 words in length. The winning stories may be printed in Library publications and, as a result, will be offered to a broad audience. More information can be found on the Libraries website (bottom of the page).

This award is open to all USF students.

Tracked in America

Tracked in America is an online audio documentary, launched by a coalition of human rights, civil rights and educational organizations, that provides an in-depth look at U.S. government surveillance throughout history from pre-World War I to post-9/11. The documentary is composed of two hours of audio interviews, 300 photographs and 25 personal stories beginning in 1917. You can peruse the content chronologically or thematically.

Returning library materials

I would like to provide some details on how to safely return borrowed materials from the USF libraries and to ensure you do not receive fines or bills for the replacement of lost items.

  • Library items from the Tampa Library, the St.Pete Library, the Sarasota Library, the Health Sciences Library or the FMHI Library borrowed at those libraries are to be returned to the PCC/USF Library here on campus. They will be checked in on the spot in the USF library system and sent back safely to their home library. Outside opening hours, there is a drop box at the entrance. If you happen to be at the USF library from which you checked out the book, it can of course be returned there with no problems.
  • Materials obtained by interlibrary loan (ILL): if the title was obtained through the PCC/USF Library, return it to the PCC/USF Library circulation desk. If it was obtained through the interlibrary loan services at the Tampa Library or another USF Library, return the item to that library’s circulation desk. That is where the paperwork for that loan is. Less confusion will ensue and the chance of losing books will be greatly minimized.
  • Videos and DVDs borrowed by a faculty member for class use are to be returned to me. They need to be sent back to specific persons in their home libraries, not the general circulation desk. These are costly items to replace if they get lost: costs for academic use range from $150 to $400+ per title.

Thank you very much for your collaboration!

Updated: a clarification was given to the return of regular USF books and books obtained through ILL.

SFX trouble

If you have been seeing a higher number of error messages that say that the full text of a journal article is not available (when in fact it is) when attempting to link to full text through SFX from our article databases, you are not alone. This is not a problem with USF but a problem with a recent SFX update and it affects all SFX customers that loaded the update, including us. The update broke working links or failed to fix problems with Wilson, Gale, EBSCO, and LexisNexis. We are seeing the least number of problems with EBSCO. A temporary fix has been applied to the Gale databases so those are behaving better as of late yesterday afternoon, with the exception of Informe. ExLibris is making a fix available on Sunday, October 22 and it will probably be applied as soon as possible.

Students are lacking ‘information literacy,’ study says

The October 17, 2006 online edition of the Chronicle of Higher Education sports an article about the lack of information skills among college and college-bound students. Students Lack ‘Information Literacy,’ Testing Service’s Study Finds (access to the full text should work if you are on campus) relates the results from a study by Educational Testing Service (ETS) using a test designed to measure students’ information literacy and computer savvy.

How can the Library help? I can visit classes on instructor’s request to teach how the use the various sources of information. Drop-in sessions on article databases searching and web sources evaluation are also in the works for November and December.

New USF resources at the Lakeland Library

Here is a list of new books available at the PCC/USF Library, which arrived during September and the first part of October, for the USF collection.

Those materials are now on the shelves; use your USF ID card to borrow them. Some exceptions: reference books (with REF at the beginning of the call number) must be used in house; DVDs and videos can only be checked out by an instructor (students can view them on the a/v stations in the library).

Interested in knowing more about a certain title? Search for it in the USF library catalog. Most records for recent titles now contain the table of contents or a link to the table of contents.


  • Classic experiments in psychology / Douglas Mook
    BF198.7 .M66 2004
  • Handbook for working with children and youth : pathways to resilience across cultures and contexts / edited by Michael Ungar
    BF723.R46 H357 2005
  • The SAGE handbook of qualitative research / edited by Norman K. Denzin, Yvonna S. Lincoln.
    REF H62 .H2455 2005
  • Globalisation : India’s adjustment experience / Biplab Dasgupta
    HC435.3 .D35 2005
  • Leviathans : multinational corporations and the new global history / edited by Alfred D. Chandler, Jr., Bruce Mazlish.
    HD2755.5 .L484 2005
  • Hoover’s handbook of American business 2006
    REF HF3010 .H36 2006 .v1
  • The market research toolbox : a concise guide for beginners / Edward F. McQuarrie
    HF5415.2 .M383 2006
  • The handbook of group research and practice / [edited by] Susan A. Wheelan.
    HM716 .H35 2005
  • Promises I can keep : why poor women put motherhood before marriage / Kathryn Edin + Maria Kefalas.
    HQ759.45 .E35 2005
  • Handbook of children, culture, and violence / edited by Nancy E. Dowd, Dorothy G. Singer, Robin Fretwell Wilson.
    HQ784.V55 H34 2006
  • The denial of aging : perpetual youth, eternal life, and other dangerous fantasies / Muriel R. Gillick.
    HQ1064.U5 G45 2006
  • Capital consequences : families of the condemned tell their stories / Rachel King
    HV8699.U5 K56 2005
  • Downsizing prisons : how to reduce crime and end mass incarceration / Michael Jacobson.
    HV9471 .J317 2005
  • Minding justice : laws that deprive people with mental disability of life and liberty / Christopher Slobogin.
    KF480 .S545 2006
  • Sanctioning religion? : politics, law, and faith-based public services / edited by David K. Ryden, Jeffrey Polet
    KF4865 .S26 2005
  • Handbook of educational psychology / edited by Patricia Alexander, Philip Winne.
    REF LB1051 .H2354 2006
  • The balancing act : gendered perspectives in faculty roles and work lives / edited by Susan J. Bracken, Jeanie K. Allen and Diane R. Dean
    LB2332.32 .B35 2006
  • Developing literacy in second-language learners : report of the National Literacy Panel on Language Minority Children and Youth / [edited by] Diane August, Timothy Shanahan
    LC3731 .N338 2006
  • Teaching for learning / Huey B. Long
    LC5225.L42 L674 2002
  • Fuzzy systems engineering : theory and practice / Nadia Nedjah, Luiza de Macedo Mourelle.
    QA76.9.S63 F883 2005
  • Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 bible / Benjamin Mako Hill, David B. Harris, Jaldhar Vyas.
    QA76.76.O63 H57135 2005
  • The Debian system : concepts and techniques / Martin F. Krafft
    QA76.76.O63 K68 2005
  • Solaris internals : solaris 10 and OpenSolaris kernel architecture / Richard McDougall, Jim Mauro.
    QA76.76.O63 M37195 2006
  • Advanced Linux programming / Mark Mitchell, Jeffrey Oldham, and Alex Samuel.
    QA76.76.O63 M58 2001
  • On the stigma of mental illness : practical strategies for research and social change / edited by Patrick W. Corrigan
    RC455 .P85 O5 2005
  • Setting up and maintaining an effective private practice : a practical workbook for mental health practitioners / Philippa Weitz.
    RC465.6 .W45 2006
  • Couples coping with stress : emerging perspectives on dyadic coping / edited by Tracey A. Revenson, Karen Kayser, and Guy Bodenmann.
    RC488.5 .C64343 2005
  • The age of melancholy : “major depression” and its social origins / Dan G. Blazer.
    RC537 .B527 2005
  • Information sources in engineering / editors, Roderick A. MacLeod and Jim Corlett.
    REF T10.5 .I49 2005
  • The children’s and young adult literature handbook : a research and reference guide / John T. Gillespie.
    Z1037.A1 .G475 2005
  • Sociology : a guide to reference and information sources / Stephen H. Aby, James Nalen, and Lori Fielding
    REF Z7164.S68 A24 2005


  • Pioneers of hospice : changing the face of dying
    LKAVLIB R726.8 .P563 2004
  • A Lion in the House: five children, six years : true stories from the war on cancer
    LKAVLIB RC281.C4 L56 2006

Children books

  • Yellow elephant : a bright bestiary / poems by Julie Larios ; paintings by Julie Paschkis.
    CH.LIT PS3562.A7233 Y45 2006
  • The miraculous journey of Edward Tulane / Kate DiCamillo ; illustrated by Bagram Ibatoulline
    CH.LIT PZ7.D5455 Mi 2006
  • Sky boys : how they built the Empire State Building / Deborah Hopkinson & James E. Ransome.
    CH.LIT PZ7.H778125 Sk 2006
  • Harry Sue / Sue Stauffacher
    CH.LIT PZ7.S8055 Har 2005
  • A mother’s journey / Sandra Markle ; illustrated by Alan Marks
    CH.LIT QL696.S473 M36 2005
  • Mama : a true story in which a baby hippo loses his mama during the tsunami, but finds a new home and a new mama / Jeanette Winter
    CH.LIT QL737.U57 W57 2006
  • Wildfire / Taylor Morrison
    CH.LIT SD421.23 .M67 2006

Instructors, show that librarian some love!

Actually, I’m enjoying excellent relations with the Lakeland faculty, thank you. But this article, Show Your Librarian Some Love, from the October 3rd 2006 issue of the Chronicle of Higher Education makes a good point about why instructors should welcome librarians in their classes for “research instruction” (access to the full text should work if you are on campus).

So far this semester, I have thaught ten such sessions and have at least six more coming up. Assessment shows that for a majority of students, the sessions are very welcomed and useful to them as they have never received such instruction before. I still have room on my calendar so, instructors, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Absent from campus

I will absent from the campus Friday, September 29th. I will be back on Monday October 2nd.

If you need immediate assistance, you can contact the USF Tampa’s Ask-A-Librarian services or, for a short, factual question, use the PCC/USF Library.